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DOI:10.1201/B10787-15 - Corpus ID: 49567581
@inproceedings{Wachtelgalor2011GanodermaL, title={Ganoderma lucidum (Lingzhi or Reishi): A Medicinal Mushroom -- Herbal Medicine: Biomolecular and Clinical Aspects}, author={Sissi Wachtel-galor and Jonathan Yuen and John A. Buswell and Iris Frances Forster Benzie}, year={2011}, url={}}
- S. Wachtel-galor, Jonathan Yuen, I. Benzie
- Published 28 March 2011
- Medicine, Biology, Environmental Science
Ganoderma lucidum, an oriental fungus (Figure 9.1), has a long history of use for promoting health and longevity in China, Japan, and other Asian countries. It is a large, dark mushroom with a glossy…
133 Citations
Figures from this paper
- figure 9.2
- figure 9.3
- figure 9.4
133 Citations
- F. ZenginN. Sanli̇er
- 2020
Medicine, Environmental Science
Clinical and pharmacological studies showed that G. lucidum is composed of hundreds of bioactive components with immunomodulatory, antioxidant, antiaging, antiviral, Connection of Ganoderma Lucidum with Health.
- Sanem BulamN. ÜstünA. Pekşen
- 2019
Medicine, Environmental Science
Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and…
Recent knowledge on phytochemical and pharmacological compositions, therapeutic and side effects, clinical trials, and commercial products of G. lucidum is intended to give and discuss.
- 34
- Highly Influenced[PDF]
- Carolina PascaleR. SîrbuEmin Cadar
- 2022
Medicine, Chemistry
European Journal of Medicine and Natural Sciences
This species of Ganoderma medicinal mushroom is used extensively for its internal effect on improving immune system, hepatoprotective benefit and additionally, a large variety of people consume GanoderMA lucidum as tea infusion and coffee because its antioxidant and reducing stress effects.
- 5
- D. SohretogluShile Huang
- 2018
Anti-cancer agents in medicinal chemistry
Evidence from in vitro and in vivo studies has demonstrated that GLP possesses potential anticancer activity through immunomodulatory, anti-proliferative, pro-apoptotic, anti -metastatic and anti-angiogenic effects.
- 141
- Arun Kumar
- 2021
International Journal of Pharmacy and…
Treatment and various pharmacological mechanism against tumor with respect to extract (polysaccharide and triterpenoid) of Ganoderma lucidum are reviewed.
- 9
- Highly Influenced
- S. SudheerIbrahim AlzorqiS. ManickamAsgar Ali
- 2019
Medicine, Biology
Bioactive Molecules in Food
This chapter describes the details of this special mushroom, including its taxonomy, morphology, ecological and economic status, cultivation, bioactive molecules, and its medicinal applications.
- 22
- S. SumJ. Ziegler
- 2016
Nutrition in clinical practice : official…
- 4
- A. UnluE. NayırOnder KırcaM. Ozdoğan
- 2016
Biology, Medicine
Journal of B.U.ON. : official journal of the…
It would be the right approach to abstain from using and incentivizing this product, until its benefits and harms are set out clearly, by considering its potential side effects.
- 35
- Carolina PascaleR. SîrbuEmin Cadar
- 2023
Medicine, Environmental Science
European Journal of Natural Sciences and Medicine
A review of the literature showed that there are very few papers that studied semisolid dosage forms preparations based of Ganoderma lucidum extract to have been used on damaged skin and skin diseases, neither have there been enough studies on its anti-aging properties.
- 2
- Darija CörŽ. KnezMaša Knez Hrnčič
- 2018
Chemistry, Medicine
An extensive overview of the presence of antitumour, antimicrobial, antioxidant and antiacetylcholinesterase compounds in G. lucidum extracts will be given, along with an evaluation of their therapeutic effects.
- 271 [PDF]
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From a lipophilic extract of the fruiting body of Ganoderma lucidum, three new lanostanoids, 8beta,9alpha-dihydroganoderic acid J (1), methyl 8beta,9alpha-dihydroganoderate J (2), and…
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A water extract of the Oriental crude drug "reishi", the fruit bodies of GANODERMA LUCIDUM, significantly decreased plasma sugar level in mice and elicited remarkable hypoglycemic actions in normal and alloxan-induced hyperglycemic mice.
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Medicine, Biology
To investigate antitumor components of Korean higher fungi, the carpophores of Ganoderma lucidum (Fr.)Karst were collected and found to be a complex of polysaccharide and protein, from which four monosaccharides and eighteen amino acids were identified.
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Chemistry, Medicine
Two new lanostanoids lucidadiol (1) and lucidal (2), were isolated from an ethanolic extract of Ganoderma lucidum, together with the known compounds ganodermadiol; ganodermenonol; ganoderic acid DM,…
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Medicine, Environmental Science
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry
Overall, G. lucidum and G. tsugae were higher in antioxidant activity, reducing power, scavenging and chelating abilities, and total phenol content.
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