The Miami Herald from Miami, Florida (2024)

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The Miami Heraldi

Miami, Florida

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wfi" BUSINESS AND FINANCE Wed Jan 31 1973 THE MIAMI HERALD National OTC Active Slocks Local Pay of 4 Plumbers Due! To Top That of Gty Boss Mutual Funds 18 19 Prochm 14 14' Pro Golf 16 16iProgrs 59 60 Pub NC 2v 22 IPublshr Pulaski Bennet 7 8' 36 36 12 mHeilig My 1714 18 Henred 20V 21 He'S Ap 8'4 8lHesston 10'4 ll'ki Hexcel 36" 37 HiTech 33' 4 33 Hick Fur 26 Hill Ind In a final analysis for 1972 the jurors said or more plumbers will exceed the $35000 paid to the general manager and six plumbers will exceed the wages paid to the assistant manager" wtelef Mx Toklo FI Tokyo El Toyota Vaal Re 9 9Wlkm 123 124Wst Drief 29 29WstO Lev 22 22Wn Held 16 17Zambn A 4 4' 29 29 12 12 I 28 29 I 4 4 US Securities Notes 20 21 8 9 3' 3 10' 11 17' 18 20 21 5 5 974 10 9 9 Hlrsrh Holobm Homew Hook Drg Hoover Horiz Ras Over the Counter Cline Scl NEW YORK (AP) Clow Cp The following bid Coach In and asked quota- Coast Cat lions supplied by Coastl Dy the- National Assocl- Cooe Lbs atlon of Securities CoOn Opt Dealers Inc are Coca LA not actual transac- Coc Mia tlons but ire rep- Coca MA resentatlve Inter- Coca Col dealer prices at Codex which these securl- Cohe Rad ties could have been Colem A purchased asked Colman or sold (bid) Inter Colum Cp dealer markets Com Shr change through- Com Pro out the day Prices Corniest A do not Include Gomlax markup Com Grp or com- retail markdown Com Clr 21X4 22 18 18V 26 27 17'4 18 19'- 20 '4 8 87 12 13W 6 Stocks Adler Bit Aov Tech All Tech All St Allied Gen AmBkShS Am Food Am Sery Am Urban Atlas Amer 2 Baird Casa 5 Bev Can Black Ang Bumng Car Shoe Casa Bella Cmp Pdcts Cont Lsr Cvr Girl Datalraft Dais Lea 2 2 1 18 4 30 2 2 4 1 3 43 2 3' 2' 2s 334 334 13 14 Medcm 33 35 Med 1 Iny 5 57 Medline 30' 41' Medtrn 19 19'hMercht 5 5 Mend In 97 Mervyn 8 Meyer 71 Mlcrodt 3 Microfo 15 Micro So 18" Mid Am 32 33 MldTx 11V 12" Mldld Ca 11 12 Mldld Gla 15 16' Midw Ex 7a 7 Mldw Fid 5 6 Millipr 20 21 Mpls Gs 467-s 47 Minn Fab 7 71 Mlnnet 17 18 Mir RecE 26 26 Mr Steak 15 16 Mrs Pie 11 V4 Horn 26 26 MoP Mer hcp 4 Modul HO 27 28 Int 29 27 Mogyl Molex Qonaar Quakr Ch Qual Inns Queen Ca RLI Cp RPM Ine RSR Cp 17 i7aRadn Tee 53 54 Ragen Pr 24 25! Rahall 8 8 Ramb IB 19' Rainier 11 11 Rapidat 6 7IRatner 16 17' 2534 2634l RayGo 10 1034 Raymnd 1834 l9'-'Rayna In 2 2VjRealEa 7 RltMtg In 32'-'3 RitvR wt Eq 3 4 Sys Can 4 Szabo Fd 27 22 TDA Ind 11 11 TIME DC 3 314 TIME pf 28 29 Taco Bell 63 64 Tally Cb 5 53 Tampax iiia Tasswy 21 Rnt 9 01! Taylr Wl 117 1414 Teeg Pa I4? Tele Mkt Tele Com Telecom 7 8Telecret 4'i Tel Util 6 6Telrnt Lo lO'i II TenArk 7 7 Tennc Off 4 5 Term Eq 22 23 Terra Re 16 16 Tex FsIM 10 11 10" 11 2 8-4 8 9 9 1914 20 13 13 120121 2 2 24 25 48 49 3 4 26 28 17 19 11 11 4 4 10 10 5 6' a 5 6 514 6 7 7 6 7 21 22 4 4 3' 4 6 7 16 17 4 414 4' 5 14' -4 14 9 10 8 9 3 2 2 11V 12 9 10 2 2 12 12 14 14 7 8 5 5 14' 14 16 17 3' 37 20 21 9 10 8 9 17 17 7 7 11 12' 4' 47s 8 9 5 6' 13 13 10 10 12 13 13 13 19 20 27 27 3 3 30V 31 6 6 934 10'- 14 14 2 2j4 7 7 putD Cao Raych Cp 208 22 Texlnt A 414 Texscan 30 Textona 6 7 Hn1? 94 Tiburon 34 Tifny Co Tiftny in Redactn iK? Lb 284 Tifan Grq 33 34' Tocom in 8 8TonyL Co 10 10 Topsy Int 23 23 Toscany I 7 7 Towla 11 nTracr Inc 17 1714 TrnC Inv 27 98 Trns Ohio 5 6 rrncnt 2 3 Trnctl Oil 6 Transo 11V 12 Trnspt 7 8Trav Eqg 0 9Tri Chem 12 13 TriSou wt 47 47 Trian Cg 11 11 Trim OG 25 25 Iropix Road Ex 32 33 True OM Robrts Dl 16 174 Irst M' Rockt a vl Tymshr Rockt Rovor Int Rodac Cd Rolln BH Rosem In Rouse Rowan In Rowe Rucker Rus Stov Rykof SE Cp 8 Tyson 20 UB Finl 13 14'4 USF Inv 18 19 USF Wt 3'i 1 un 17 18 U'lnic 48 50 Undr In 28 59 Uni Capit 20 21 Unicare UA ColU Unimet 5 Oevcon 10 Decraform 4 Elellone Equit Dev Equip Co Fmly Rst Fran Mgt 534 1st Equity 13 Many stocks formerly carried in the Local OTC list now appear in the National OTC Active list or the Bank Trust Insurance list NYSE Hidis And Ltows Reeca Refac TD Regal A Regncy 6 Rehab Cp Reitlnc Rel Unly Rep Finl Rep Hous Resalab Resch Fu ResQ Min 28Rel Mer Revell Rex Plest Rey Rey 5'Ringrnd Rival Mf SAN FRANCISCO (AP) At least four plumbers who work for the city water dej artment will earn more than the general $35000 salary in 1972 according to a grand Jury The jurors recommended a reevaluation of overtime and working conditions of craftsmen to prevent an wages from exceeding those of the general manager or assistant general manager Earnings Reports NET INC0M8 (P tr Shar) Latest Period Tear Earlier Amtrac En (172) 8700000 (265) 7600000 (220) Beml Co (1972) a-9 794000 (213) b-S4885000 (145) a-After spec charge 542000 (13) b-After pec charge $209000 (05) Carpenter Tech (4th Q) 3252000 (77) JIf7-000 -17) Chicago Mllwkeg (1972) d-S397000 d-13631000 d-Deficit Consol Frshtway (172) 23224000 (198) (178) a-After 2-for-1 stock split C8n" C'n $72931000 (251) $11575000 (25Ur 'nU 649 000 (42) a-after Spec charge $2649000 (80) Hammermill Papar (1972) $3497000 (46) (68) a-After spec charge $1156000 (18) b-After pec credit 1419000 (23) l-T-B Imp) (1972) $17637000 (218) $'5768000 (196) Louisaie-Pac (1972) $30840000 (234) $22630000 (172) Murphy Oil (1972) $14275000 (247) $1) 100000 (201) Natl Steel (1972) 200000 (3 81) $45863538 (246) a-After spec credit 41 million (22) New Engl (1972) $10627000 (167) $10579000 (172) NY Time (1972) $13602000 (117) $9452000 (80) a-After spec credit $1246000 (11) Scott a Fetzer (Yr 11-30) $17723000 (241) $14728000 (201) Searle GD (1972) $41891000 (3 03) $36004000 (262) Southdown (1972) $13218000 (260) (615) e-After spec credit $26710000 (426) Sysco (4th Q) $1228000 (38) $1044000 (32) Union Oil-Calif (1972) $121900000 (345) $114700000 Vulcan Mall (1972) $17074000 (290) (161) a-After spec charge $3343000 (59) Westcoast Trans (1972) $15538000 (184) $7398000 (1101 Hosp Fin Hosp Inv Hoqse Kn HousSV Hugh Sup Hughes Hunt Bid Hunt Witg Hyatt Cp Hyatt Int Hydroeu Hydr Pae Hvster DS Rlty ds ri un MS Int mun Scl mol Ind mol Ld ndSq Sec ndMtg nd Mtg npls Wat nd Fuels nd Nudr nforex nlor Ine nfor Int nfo Mag nst Lab ntel Cp nterc En nterdat ntrmt ntl Alum nBk Wsh ntBkW A nt Basic ntDalr nt RshD nt Scang ntT Shar ntrpl Ltd ntersll ntrway nvent In nvnt Cap nvs Am aSou Ut reld Rst ron Mtn vey JB vy Corp Jacks Fd Jamsby Javelin Jensen In Jer Mack Jerrico JetAir Fr Jetero Cp Jim Walt Jim Wit Joslyn Judvs Inc Justic Mg Justce un Justce wt Justin In 5 s'a'k Tel I nl 9 10 I KMC Mtg 9 iokmcm 23 24 KMS Ind 13 14 Kaisr Stl 12 13 Kalvar 30 31! Kaman A 4 4 Kampg A 31 42'- 4 4 26 27 5 5 8 9 6 7 5 6 6 6 10 11 27 28 13 14 3 3 6' 6 10 10 4 4 8 8 17 17 8 9 13 14 9 10 7 7 12 13 7' 8 4 5 6 6 45 46 8 9 20 20 6 7 2 2 33 37 5 6 26 27 10 11 6 6 21 22 11 11 9 9 17 18 10 10 13 13 8 9 15 5 35 36 107s 11 7 8 23 24 2 3 8 8 4 4 7 8 1201122 16 16 2 2 7 7 37'4 38 36 37 9 9 32 33 57s 6 54 55 7 7 Bonds NEW YORK Counter US Tuesday Closing Over-the-Treasury Bonds for mission A1 Kolzirs ACMAT AFCOA AID Inc AITS ine APS Ine ASG Ind AVM Cp Acceler Acme Grl Acushnt Adams! Addisn Adv Ros Adv Mem Adv Micr Adv Sys After Six Agnieo Alanthu Coml Sta 6'4 as Comw Pa 4 4 Comw Th 17V4 18 Comun 4V 7r av! Gmp'rh nm it i-i Cmpsm Vnli Compus JA Cmptx Sv fix CmPt Aut 4J4 5 4 Cmpt Cm 12V 13 'A Cmpt Des 29 30 Cmp Mch 4'4 Cmp Trn 8 8h Cmpt Os 3'4 3'-' Comtch 22H IVh Comten 15 15W Concent IV i 5'4 Con Ace 7H Con lEqu Con Inv 34 Albany In 23 23 I Alberts 18 18 con Cot Alex Alex 20 21' Hair Alex Bald 12 13V cont IN 3 3 Cont Info 18 18 Contran 4 4 Cordis Cp 39 40 Cornells 3 4 Co usPro 21 22 Crad Ter 8'- 9 Cred Insr 67'a 7 Cross Co 2 3 Crwn Am 9 10 Crown Cr 8 8 Crump 6V 7 Crut Res 19 20 Culm Cos 12 12 Cunn Art 6 67 Cur tNoll S' sr 334 4 Gams 63 64 AEx 15pf 190' 192 cp A Fillron 9 10 Crd 16v 16 4 Data Don 9 9J? Data Dis 20 21' Data Gen 6J'k 68 Data Hnd 7 8 Data Trd 18 18 iDatapnt 17 17 Davis Wt 4 4 DeLux 15 15 Debron 15 16 Decis Dat 187 19 Decor In 33 34 DeKlb Ag 4 5 Delhi Oil 10 11 OelMer 14 14 Gelt Calif 3 3 Dento 4 4 Giag Dat Diem si 51 51 faDlvCrf Scl Docutel 374 Airg xDa Allco Ld Alls Bev Allerg Ph Alld Leis Alld Tele AldVan Allyn Bae Alodex Alpex Amarex Amcrt Sy A Appra Am Arts A BfPkr Am Biocu Am Biom ACont Ho A El Lab Am Exp 4 5 3 3 29 30 44 45 5 6 Apach Ex 1334 14 grus' 77 iu f0? SP5 Applbm Apd Mat April Ind Arch PPd Ard May Argo Pet ArlenPr I ArmacE Armin Arpeia Arro Aut Arrow Artco Bel Artex Hv Arvide AsCC Bot Asso Trk AtIGas Lt Atlnt Ind AtICon Sy Atlnt Pep Alls Hot Atwod Oe AtwdO un Autex Inc Autotrn Avtek CO BCC Inc BT 77 wt BairdW Baird At Baker Bakr Fen Baldw Ly Ball Corp Bally Mf '5 Dorn MR 3 4 1 DomM un 4j Donalds 3 Donvn Co 7 Dorch 6 '6J' Dghtl Fd 21 Dow Jono 19 20 Downa 5 5' Dwntr Cp 19341 2(7 Doyle DB 22 23 Duckw St 3 3 Dunkln 12 123-4 Durr Fill 934 10 ECRM 32 33 ZPalnt 10 11 Early Cal 147e 15 Eastmat 14 14 Ecodyn 7' 8V Econ Lab 24 25 Educ Dev 7 7 El Pas El 23 24V Elba Syst 27 28 Elec Nucl 19 21 Elia Bro 15 15J4 Ellmans 3 3 Iscint ps 7 Emersn 8 834 Energy 20' 21 EnrgyC 43 434 183-4 1934 In'" Svs 39 pP LuP? 2534 26--i Ethan At 1934 BfP 5354'lh 15 16'Key 17 18 2234 2334 31 3l(Key 12 123 7 7 5 5V4' 35 3534 1 4 4 3 21 22 163 16 1 51 53 17 17! 13 15 11 1 1 2 2 10 10 184 1334 14 I 24 fisi jitsus 2134 22'- 11 12 a 4S3? f8 f6 2iH 8 4 15 4 11 12 In 5 Va 414 Monar I IA Monf Col 24 24V Conroe 2314 24 Monti Vin 26 CP 20 21 MooreS 534 6'4 Mor Flo Vty 284 17'4 VH0r Adg 434 5 Vi Morrsn I Mtqe AS rn JJJB1 wsh 26 26 Mtg wt 50 51 MtgTr wt 6 6 Mostek 11 11 Motion In 15 15 Mot Club 9 934 Moxla In 7 71 Murp Mtr 7 7 My Toy 3 4 Myers In 11 12 NFP Cp 10 11 NHA Inc 9 NMC Cs 2H 2V 18 18 Conv 17 18 Nat CSS 10 10 NDste Cp 11 12 Nat Lib 10 10 Nat LIvC 5 6 Medic 27 28 Merid 93 934 Min Sv 2 2 NatMtg 15 15 Patent 8 8 Nat Util 7 8 Naum 12 12 Needh 6 7 Nelsn Co 6 7 Am Fd 5 5 Am Ind 20 21 EngGE 6 7 NJ Nat 934 9 NewP Ex 1634 17 Newll Co 19 19 Nichls SE 18 v4 19 Nicol Inst 9 10 Nielsn A 26 26 Nielsn 33 33V Nobilty 6 7 Noble Aff 16 16 Nords 8 10 103 Cal SL 12 13 NoCar Gs 13'7 14 No Air 6 6 Nresf Pet 10 10 Nortrp Kl 8 8 NW NatG 17 17 NwsF Inv 23 24 NwstP un 9'4 9 Noxel Cp 2034 21 Nucl Rsc 4 4 oakr Hoi if3 26 Oakw Ho Ocean Dr Ocean Ex Ocn pf 5 Ocn Fish Ocean Oil 'os! II' Oceanog 9 10 odyssey 14 Offsh Log 94 4 Ogilvy 3 iji Ohio Art li't Ohio Ferr 8 143 Old Equit Omn? See 13 13 Open Rd 5 534 Optel Cp 9 93 Opt Coat 37 373j Opt Radt 11 11 Orban 3 334 Oreg FrF 3314 Ormont 37'4 38 Orrox Cp 7 8 Overmy 1 2 Over NA 33 34v ovitron 4 434 Oxf Labs 11 12 ozite Cp 37 39 RVO Inti 13 137 Pab5t Br 25 26 Paccar 8I4 'f44 Pace Bid 6 7 4 Pace Ind 9 4 PacS 3 7 S6'i 28 17 18 2 3 8 8l 4 9 9' i 4 3 4 3 3 17 18 32 33 35V 37 18 18 91 93-4 12 13 6' 4 7 10' 11 14s 15 14 1434 15'- 16 534 6 23 24 12 1234 9 9 6 6y'2 17H 1734 16V 17 154 1534 1834 19a 6'7 6H 19'4 20'74 74' 4 7434 753 76'4 13'i 14'4 31W 32 25 Vj 26 29 29' 12A 43'4 5 11H 12 Vi 35 35V2 10'a 10H 18' 187i 2W 21 56 V4 57'4 3'4 4 IV 1 IIVj 12'4 66 67 1534 1634 15'i If 834 9'4 184 18W 7 7 834 9'4 16' 29'yji 30 Va 5 5 8V4 9 4'a 434 11 113 734 10' 2 28 15'a I6V4 25' 4 26 19''4 22'4 23'4 434 5'a 113 117i 65 7' 93 97i 3'4 3 1'" 1 16'4 17 93 934 9 9Va 625 63' 43' 117i 11'4 12 1234 1334 Bid Asked Bid Chg Yld 992 9910 98 21 98 29 2 98 5 9813 3 9728 984 2 9614 96 22 86 8 8624 8218 83 2 2 10316 104 0 9916 9924 7618 4 98 0 760 4 8026 4 9728 2 750 4 7720 6 77 16 2 9911 3 75 24 4 74 30 4 754 8 531 557 573 578 586 636 628 639 6 41 437 662 605 655 6 39 585 625 594 685 419 487 527 7518 9724 750 79 26 972 740 75i20 7616 98 23 74 24 7330 744 end asked prices quoted in dollars thirty seconds SuOiect to Federal taxes but not to State income taxes Eggs and Poultry (Provided by the Fla Dent of Agriculture in Tampa Phone 229-6959) EGGS: Cents per dozen consumer grade A whit delivered to stores In cartons Market ateady supplies adequate trading fairly good Extra large 60-69 mostly 63 large 58- 67 mostly 60 medium 56-63 mostly 58' small 46-5t mostly 49 POULTRY: Prices to retailer (Including restaurants and hotels) grade A Market steady supplies fully adequate trading fair CHICKENS (Ice-packed): Fryers 1-3 lbs 34'- 40 mostly 36 CHICKENS (frozen): Hens 47-52V mostly 48 Citrus Futures NEW YORK (AP) Frozen concentrate orange luice futures closed 115 to 165 lower Sales 500 contracts 8 "4 834 634 7'b 20 203 Kear Tr Kellwd Ken Ltd Kenn Coh Key Phar -MF Cp Cabl Leadv Co 127- 3 pac A In i- P0 Hid 5 5 0 PecGa Pac Lum 64 7 35 3534 10 Data (Keya Fib Keys Ctrs CusP Keys Int Key OTC Kiddie Pr King Jule Knao Vog 3Knogo Cp Koger Korn Koss Cp Krueger Kuhmn Kjr157 fT El I Safeg Aut 12V 13 UnSpI Mr S3 23 Saga Ad 15 157! UnArt Th 7 8 SI Paul Sa Salm Cpt Samsnte Saul RIE Saxtn Pr Scan Dat Scantn El Scherer Schlldl 15 15 Un Com 53 3 4 14 14 17 18 9 10 22 2 234 13 13 334 4 14 15 15 15 8 9 24 24 6 7 13 14 8 8 8V 9 434 4 14 14 113 12 22 23 19 20 23 24 9 0 US Bnknf 14 4 US TrkLn 22 22 Unlv Fds 6i 7 Unv GsO 33 3 Unv Inst II-I 4 At 5 57 Unlv Mob 36 37 Vacco In 4 4 I--- 44 77 Vega MH Scholl Ine 37' i 38 vail Asoc Scott Inn 22 23 XalyF2r Scolt Liq l717Van00vk Scriplo See Wrld 2 3 38 3834 Van Shak Sealed Ar 14 1434 vnce Searle pf 3634 3714 Man Wyc 14 514 Varisysl 41 42 4i Velcro Seis Com Self SvcR Seneca Sensor Svc Mer Svcmstr Servico Seven Shelt CpA 10 10 vld Blnd 303j 113! Ventron 30 Victra St 4 a 1-3 41 Veo Sy 13 14 33 vindale 67 7 434 Ve Inti 32 33' iw 1 vsul Scl 12 12 IhM 'VumSh 252j 44 4 '-4 vun AAln 7 77a Shop Rite Showp fn 54 Siam 14 WmQCO Weiijro 11 12 8 wikr Set 37e 4'4 11 11 6 7 Wsh NG 14 147 Sigma Ini 18 914 SlQfT) 67 VvSh HOm -aSr J39 ea in 7 was' ivi 9 10' Waste Re 4 jf Wavetk Silvercr Simera Simon Simps In Slattr El Slaug Bro Smithf Snap TIs i ctf 11 '2 Solid St it! 20 33 56 Solomon 133 137 ve SoroCBPr i3'2 54 Westct Ft 10 Spr Pr 534 6wstn NA 20 20 Soundsc 2 yjstn or 7" i 8H 1434 15V4 Sourc Ce 10 10 wsm Mtg 8" theaanPn Wst" PuP 22 23 8'- westmd f4 Welt Fd 303 30 White Shl 14' 16 Whtny 16 17 Wien Air 3s 3 Wiener 33 4 Wilmtt In 133-4 14 Wilson 13 14 Wilson 43 4 Wins NK I7 2 Win! PkT 283 28 Wise PL 60V 62 Wise RE 20V 2V4 Wolv Pen 14' 15 Wdwrd 3 4 Worth tn 2 2 Wright 14 15 Xomox 22 23 Xonics wt 7 8 Yellow 19 193 Ziegler 33 34V Zen Fdg 40 41 ZionUt 19 193 Zwick El 12 Anglo SA 3 4 Anglo Al 8' 9 Brilund 1134 12V Buffel 14' 15 De Beer 283 28 Free SM 15' 153 Full Phot 8 8 GLC Gr 5' 6 Hitachi 9' 10 Honda 7' 73 IDB evof 4' 5 Kansa 11 12 Kloof GM 6 6 Nissn 12J 13:4 Overs In 2 2 Philip Gl 6 63 Pres GM 30 31 Press AD 46' 47 Rank Org 153 16' St Hel Gd 20' 20 26 26 5 5 4 4' 5 6' 15 153-4 1 2234' 7' 8 2734 28 9 94 37' 38V I Sou Alrw Sthn Un Southl Eq Southl Pa Swst Airl Sw Facts Sw Gs Cp Sowst Le Sw Resch Spacery Spart Fds Spec! Ph 5and Inc SJern Lt Stewt Inf Stewt San Stor Tech Story Ch Stretf Tx Sugda) Sumer Co uniiteO Sunsh Str SupDIr St Super El SuPr Eq Swedlw Svnercn INVESTING COMPANIES NEW CORK (AP) Th following quo lotions Buoolled by ttio National Assocl Hon of Sacurltlas Dealars Inc ara ha prlcas at which these securities could have been old (net asset value) or bought (value plus sales Knckl charge) Tuesday kotck Gt Sell Fd 4-21 AGE Fnd 06 4 is Lexington Grp: Aberdn unavall pp Ldr 1691 1851 Admiralty funds: 4-ex Gr Grwth Incom Insur Advisr Aetna Afuture AHAm Fd Allstate Alpkia Amcan Johnstn Jl NL Keyston Fund) 7 Of 1949 2031 2075 22 74 921 10 09 112 8 69 724 794 2426 2659 119913 12 934 Ifl 24 571 626 50 5 50 7 01 768 929 1018 421 991 1083 1705 1863 437 696 718 785 1002 1096 1015 1109 3 89 i Lx Rh 430 11 999 1095 474 518 Ir mi'i 12 03 nil Loomis Sayles: 1514 16281 33 97 unavall Diver Til a ini Caoit Incm Invest Spec! Stock Am Grth Am Insln Am Invs AmMutl AmN Gth Anchor Group: Caplt Grwth Incme Fd Inv Ven) a duo uu 1 in'mVut5 Pro 19 03 1315 8 79 lncr 9-98 1091 J9 961 Manna Funds 861 941 MagC 885 967 Incom 421 479 Pllgm 577 631 Manhtn 573 NL Mkt Gth jm 915 1000 Massachusett Co-298 324 Freed 878 9 62 tup: Indep 839 919 475 740 Mass 1263 1384 968 1061 Mass Financl: 801 878 864 947 10131110 Wash 13661497 Astron 452 494 i Audax Fd 1064 1162 Mates Axe Houghton: Mathers Fnd A 533 579 MldAM Fnd 777 845 MONY Stock 27 685 Mm Ben Sclent 479 521 MIF Fd BLC Grth 1290 1410 MIF Gth Babson 1177 NLM OmaG Bayrk Fd 861 916 Omahl Bayrk Gr 620 660 Mut Shr 16 49 NL Beacn Hll 1116 NL 204 NL Beacn In 1349 NL KEA Mut 1107 1130 Berg Ken 1202 NL K'1 lnd 11-51 NL Berk Gth 559 4 11 Nat Secur Ser: Bondstk 575 628 10 72 1117 Bost Pdn 1131 1236 Brwn Fd 417 456 Bullock Calvin: Bullck 1509 1653 Candn 2275 2491 DiVid 400 438 bI05L 7:8 NatW 1067 11 69 1- LUeFund: NY-Vnt 1316 1441 rputL' furnh Fd 12 38 NL fT 1780 iV 35 CG Fend 1178 1274 Neuw Cet V80 m' Capam 8 20 899 IJluw ch nl5 -h Capit -Gth 323 354 Caoit Sh 4 44 7 to ewwla 31 1564 Capit Sh 656 719 Newton tarioom Cap Trin 14 25 1557 fch stra 23 CentryoSh 1459 1595 Noreast ixm CBaanan ho?) 15 £cean9P 8-10 Nx! Balan 3 3-J3 Omega 962 974 let i c2 0ne WmS 00 NL 4 43 7 01 PNellL fd 13-86 N-L SJi Ippenheimer Fd: 9 04 8-9t 9-74 11M12 91 11 90 13 01 V' 1293 Tim Chasa Gr Bos: See Fund 1030 1124 Param 04 879 Paul Rvr 845 923 Penn Sq 975 1064 Pa Mut 1133 1238 Phlla Pine St 1102 1204 Pine Tree 395 432 Pioneer 1096 1198 Entrp 703 768 Fund 10131107 II 4 85 530 Plan Inv 9981091 1115 1212 8 58 938 821 8 97 7 27 NL 353 NL 797 873 1127 NL 431 468 Fund: 9 01 985 1284 1403 1048 1142 1186 12 96 1472 1609 Col "Grth 1472 NL Pligrth Cwlth AB i40 i52 Price Funds' ItlTX Cwlt Comp Gr Comp As Comp Cp Comp Bd Comp Fd Concord Cons' Inv Consul Cont Mut Cont Gth 1 67 181 Grwth 3050 NL 725 792 Era 1184 NX 519 568 Horiz 3855 NL 5 99 656 14 6 ssu 9 03 982 14 Invests yyx 874 950 Pro Fund 1041 NL 1144 NL Pro Portf unavai 1275 1312 Provid 4 57 491 599 655 Prov Gth 9321019 854 NL PruSIP 1154 1261 943 972 PutnamFunds: Conv 1166 1274 Equit 1047 11 Georg 1715 18 Grwth Incom Invest Visla Voyag CtryYlap 15471672 Crn WDiv 414 4 71 Crn WDal 780 852 Davge Fd 1395 NL deVegh 6843 NL Delaware Group: Decat 1112 1215 Delaw 1147 1254 Delta 6 46 706 Pver Dir Cap unavall P'n'7a Dodg Cox 1643 NL Drexel 1307 NL fchustr Dreyfus Grp: Dreyf 1230 1348 Levge 16 66 1826 Spl-lnc' 8 20 899 Third 1069 1172 44 4 12 00 1311 856 9 36 1122 1226 1184 1294 1147 1254 933 1020 14 95 1648 3 01 NL TO 48 1145 Schust Sp 10 99 1201 Scudder Funds: Int Inv 1750 1775 Spec! 3633 NX Balan 17 96 NL Fd" 3 63 St 1176 NL Eagle Gr 671 9SSS i7 Eaton8Howard: fnquu1y 4-88 447 Ba'an 1003 10 96 fe5' Jj? Jj8 6 49 7 no sleced Funds: I tn Sel Am 958 1047! 13 94 5 91 Sel 0pB '2-42 1357 2 03 1 15 Sel Spl 1826 1666 EDIE'SpI 27M u' is'22 EFC Managemnt: shareholder Eq Gth 902 988 emstk 4 01 4 18 Eq Pro 368 403 1 4 49 Fi Am 8 8 9-40 pfifPF- ig 57 1897 5 55 607- Egret Gt Eltun Tr Em er Sec Energy Equity Fairfld Harbr Legal 'I'll Funds' 1048 1UI trlcom J34M7 1077 NL InJSt 9-6 J0-49 Side Fd 4 Sigma Funds: a 49 N70 faDt 9-90 10-82 B4Z 879 Invest 754 TruSf 1317 vent 1274 1392 SB Eqty 736 SB '2 SoGenlnt 8 09 5 56 Sw Invs 2678 2927 Swln Gt fover lnv 12 49 1368 Dyna 486 NL Spectra 721 790 Farm Ru 17 Fideiit- Bond Caoit Cdiitfd 'Cdnv7 Dstny Essex Evrsr Fidel Puritn Salem Tread Indus! incom Venl 493 NX Com FsIFd Va 1277 1394 Div Fd Fst Investors: pra GrSa 9 06 I 93 if P1 611 i-- stnek9 4 i inn! 5 Frm ln 0-16 NL Fst Mult III 58 st 8171 5209 Fst Serr 5 33 steadman Funds: 5'84 Am Ird 369 NL Famh 11P98 I Asso T32 NL 1M 13 19 wf'n Fldue 166 NL 101 Fd 'o'5i wiL-Stein Ro Fds: TwendF 4 66 I' falan J3-5I Fnd Gth 5 JO 557 17 07 NL 57 Superylsd irlrnWI 19 48 11 84 GrWh 698 765 Mutd '972 1069 Lncom 9-25 1014 Spec! 11:97 Foursq 10411138 sync Gth 8 74 9 55 FrankJLn Croup: 7 bi 'a'54 Taaiher 1067 10 89 477 Ct 9 07 5 J7 TowrCap Irns Cap US Gov 1013 1110 ir! FaP riB rv 11 -14 kl I FR rj lj-lv irav sq 1198 1313 Ennd'jn? N-L-Tudr Hed 1471 NX Fund 4ne Grp TwnC Gt Cojnm -Impac in 11 jo wnl- 9 94 10't9TwnC lnC i'nrTfrd 1414 il USAA Gl 13-46 NX Ind Jrd 1434 1567 us GovSe 0421053 5 Unit Mut 1052 1150 49 0-93 Un'fund 1045 1142 Union Sve Grp: 335 367 433 475 1101 Gatewy GE 5 8 Gen Sec Group 4Sec -Apex Balan Broad 1507 1647 Nat Inv 970 1066 Cap 1231 1345 Whteh 1430 1563 702 768 8 41 920 )-a7 Lance In Lane Ho coM However General Manager Arthur Frye Jr said the men in question are plumber foremen who handle emergencies He said they work eight hour shifts in-stead of the seven for other plumbers and therefore receive one hour of doubletime a day He said the salaries are set by the Civil Service Commission and -the board of supervisors in line with private construction industry wages Booze Is Banned MARIBOR Yugoslavia (AP) Several Yugoslavian cities banned sale of alcoholic beverages before working hours in an effort to reduce industrial accidents and to improve worker performance TCRenlo 1971 '72 or CARS too pr miles Week 'HCLUOEO RENTAL CARS 633-5237 From Ar You A MINORITY STOCK HOLDER in a private company with earnings? 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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Author information

Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.